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Cosmetic Injections

If your goal is to rejuvenate, tighten, and smooth skin without invasive plastic surgeries, cosmetic injections can help. We offer a range of popular injections like Botox, Selphyl, and Kybella, as well as microneedling and other solutions. Talk with us about your goals and we’ll recommend the right solution for you.
Injections selphyl


Stimulate collagen growth with a platelet rich plasma injection.
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Selphyl® is based on the principle and platelets possess all the essential elements needed for tissue. The Selphyl® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. During a short office visit (30 minutes), a small amount of the patient's own blood is drawn into a supernatant plasma/platelet suspension. The platelets and plasma are then transferred in a closed system to a second vacuum tube containing a small amount of calcium chloride solution. There is virtually no risk of allergic reaction. The Selphyl® PRFM System is used to rapidly collect and isolate a patient's own PRFM for injection and contains no animal or synthetic products. There may be some temporary discomfort during the injections. Like all injection procedures, one can experience occasional redness and bruising immediately following the treatment that resolves quickly. The number of treatments needed depends on each individual patient, the desired outcome, and your doctor's treatment plan. At Chameleon Spa patients first, have microneedling done with the Rejuvapen. As a collagen builder, the science has found that PRP injected into the skin does work, but no studies prove that rubbing it onto the skin will work.

Injections kybella


Address your double chin with this FDA-approved injectable. 
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Is Your Chin Taking Over Your Profile?

1 in 4 adults surveyed online were bothered by their double chin. You do not have to be one of them!

KYBELLA™ is the first and only FDA-approved injectable drug that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness. When injected into subcutaneous fat, KYBELLA™ causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.

Treatment with KYBELLA™ is customized by the practitioner to the patient's aesthetic goals for an improved chin profile.

The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes, and a second treatment 6-8 weeks afterward is typically recommended for maximum results.
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